
  • Fransiskus Andi Marselo
  • Tony Darmanto
  • Alfred Yulius


PO Asa is a business business in the field of selling merchandise such as food, snacks and beverages in packs, and others.Until now PO Asa still use manual inventory and sales recording system. With the limitations of the existing manual system on PO Asa, the writer tries to design inventory and sales information system with the application of Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 application program that aims to provide solutions and troubleshooting in sales transactions, knowing the amount of inventory and process input data into Faster and more accurate. In this research, the author uses descriptive research design and data collection methods consisting of interview stage, observation method and literature study. System analysis techniques used to describe the flow of data in system design, the author uses Unified Modeling Language (UML), while the system design techniques using program application Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, Microsoft Office Access 2010 and Crystal Report 13. With the results of research and design of the proposed system, is expected to produce a system information application Inventory and sales on PO Asa. In addition, with the application of Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 on the design system of this proposal, PO Asa can improve efficiency, accuracy in performing inventory data processing, sales and reporting, so as to support the improvement of service quality and availability of goods for buyers. The conclusion of the results of research conducted by the author on PO Asa is to help the PO Asa to minimize errors in data processing, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of work in order to produce information more quickly, precisely and accurately. The suggestion of the author to optimize the proposed system designed, namely the PO Asa needs to be careful in entering data and providing training for users who use inventory and sales applications.  Keywords: Information Systems, Inventory, Sales, Barcode




