Analisis Kinerja Reksa Dana Pendapatan Tetap dengan Menggunakan Metode Snail Trail


  • Hotniati Simamora Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak


The rapid development of mutual funds shows this instrument is in demand by market participants. Mutual funds are investment instruments to obtain competitive revenue streams, even though capital owners do not have the ability to manage their portfolios properly. The existence of mutual funds was responded with enthusiasm by the owners of funds who want their money to get a greater rate of return. Until now there have been 2212 total mutual funds consisting of Money Market Mutual Funds, Fixed Income Mutual Funds, Equity Funds, and Mixed Mutual Funds, both Islamic and conventional mutual funds. The development of mutual fund instruments, especially fixed income mutual funds, the problem faced from the perspective of investors is how to choose alternative fixed income mutual funds based on portfolio performance. Mistakes in choosing the type of mutual fund will reduce return on investment. Therefore investors are expected to have a measurement standard (benchmark) in carrying out their investments. The aim is to compare the performance of fixed income mutual funds with market performance. Descriptive analysis to compare the performance of fixed income mutual funds and market performance using the Snail Trail Method. Statistical analysis of this research is to use a different t-test, to test whether there is a significant difference in performance between fixed income mutual funds and market performance which is a hypothesis test in this study.Keywords: mutual fund, snail trail, benchmark, NAB





