Language Contact Occurred in The Debate of Dki Jakarta Governor Candidates


  • Imelda Kusumastuty Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing LIA Yogyakarta


This research analyzes the forms of language contact occur in the debate of DKI Jakarta governor candidates and how is the language contact is employed in the debate. The data is taken from the transcript of the first debate of DKI Jakarta governor candidates and are analyzed using the Jendra’s theory on forms of language contact. The result shows that: (1) There are four forms of language contact identified in the debate: code switching, loanwords, loanblends, and loanshifts/loantranslations. (2) Loanwords occur most frequently in the debate, and loandblends occur least frequently (3) The language contact is employed most frequently in the second segment and the least frequently both in the third and fifth segment, and (4) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono employs the language contact most frequently and Sylviana Murni is the one who employs it least frequently. Keywords: language contact, debate, governor candidate





