In line with the rapid development of technology and communication in all aspects, there is a demand for
providing fast and accurate information. In the world of education, fast and accurate information is needed
because in the current era of globalization, education has become one of the most important things. At SD Negeri
18 Entapang they still carry out a face-to-face learning system between teachers and students and still only use
guidebooks and textbooks. This makes learning less effective so that innovation is needed for learning so that
learning is more quality, efficient and effective. The research method used is the method of collecting data through
interviews, observation, and literature study. The system analysis technique method uses object-oriented
techniques with Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling. Based on the results of the research conducted, the
authors created a web-based teaching device system using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext
Preprocessor (PHP), JavaScript, and CSS as programming languages, and MySQL as a database. By producing
web-based teaching tools at SD Negeri 18 Entapang it can help overcome existing problems. Teaching tools are
one of the tools to support the success of learning in the classroom, because the current learning process needs to
improve learning methods, especially science lessons which use lots of pictures, visualization, real practice in
nature and the surrounding environment which must be adapted to the current 2013 curriculum. Teaching tools
can help students and teachers in the learning process, as well as make the appearance of learning more
interesting and varied so that students become interested in learning. From this study it can be concluded, with
the existence of teaching tools can help students better understand science lessons on Ecosystem Balance material
which is equipped with an attractive appearance that makes it easier for students and teachers to capture lessons
and explain learning about ecosystem balance. Suggestion, adding the chat feature facility with the teacher so that
after explaining the material students can ask questions if something is unclear about the material or practice
Keywords: Analysis, Design, Teaching Devices, Science, Ecosystem Balance