Analisis Kualitas Produk, Kinerja Harga dan Kinerja Layanan terhadap Kinerja Penjualan Deterjen Rinso di Pontianak


  • Andry Lindi Lim Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak


The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence product quality, price performance and service performance have in affecting sales performance. Data collection methods used are through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research was conducted in a descriptive method. The population in this study were all customers who bought Detergent Rinso. The sample in this study were as many as one hundred customers who used the purposive sampling method, with the criteria of customers who had subscribed for more than one year and were domiciled in Pontianak. The data analysis technique uses qualitative analysis using a Likert scale and quantitative analysis using the SPSS version 22 program.The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the product quality, price performance, service performance and sales performance that have been applied have been implemented, good because most respondents have agreed. From the analysis, it can be seen that product quality, price performance and service performance have a significant influence on sales performance.  Keywords: sales performance analysis





