Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Komitmen, dan Penanganan Komplain terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah


  • Nico Yudhinata Lay STIE Widya Dharma Pontianak


This study aims to determine the effects of Service Quality, commitment and Complain Handling on Satisfaction on the customer of Harda International Current Bank, in Pontianak Branch.  The sample of this study consisted of 80 respondents of customers of Harda International Current Bank, Pontianak with the type of research is a quantitative approach. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. The research method used is associative research and survey research in the form of causal and using linear regression analysis.  The results of the hypothesis test using test-F shows that the variables of Service Quality, Commitment, and Complain Handling have a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction. Likewise, the t-test results of hypothesis show the variables of Service Quality, Commitment, and Complain Handling significantly influence Customer Satisfaction.


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