INTEKSIS Jurnal Informasi Teknologi dan Sistem LPPM Universitas Widya Dharma Pontianak en-US INTEKSIS 2355-8512 IMPLEMENTASI SENSOR ULTRASONIK PADA TEMPAT SAMPAH PINTAR BERBASIS IOT <p><em>The increasing problem of waste management has become a global issue that requires innovative solutions. The main cause of this issue is the awareness of each person. In today's digital era, smartphones are a top priority in doing activities because efficiency becomes a convenience as any example is within reach. The ease of getting information becomes a reference in making decisions. The rise of technology that is increasingly sophisticated in the last decade has made everything around us also touch technology according to the needs of its users. In this regard, this research aims to design and implement a smart trash can connected through the Internet of Things (IoT) using ultrasonic sensors. The system is designed to automatically open and close the trash can, detect the presence of users who will throw away the trash, detect the level of trash can contents, send data to the Telegram application, and provide notification of almost full trash can notifications to users in real- time or manually by interacting through a chatbot on the Telegram application according to the data sent by the ultrasonic sensor. This research uses hardware and software design approaches and quantitative methods. Arduino Uno R3 is used as a microcontroller that works as an electronic circuit capable of processing data and changing it as a reaction to open and close the trash can automatically. The ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the user and measure the level of the bin contents, and the electronic components connected through the IoT network send the data to the Telegram application. A web-based application and a mobile application were developed for the bin monitoring system that is useful for monitoring the status of the bin and providing notifications to users. The results showed that the system was successful in detecting the content level of the bin with a high degree of accuracy. The use of IoT technology enables efficient monitoring and better decision- making in waste management. In addition, the use of these smart bins can help reduce user manual labor and optimize garbage collection in the neighborhood</em>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords - Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Trash Can, Monitoring System, Ultrasonic Sensor, Telegram</em></p> Krissantus Andrie Verryando Riyadi J. Iskandar Alfred Yulius Arthadi Putra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 11 1 1 12 PENERAPAN SISTEM PENCARIAN DAN PEMINJAMAN BUKU BERBASIS ANDROID PADA SMP N 3 SUNGAI AMBAWANG <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>This application is built consisting of two sides, namely, Android-based application users or book borrowers and a website-based server for librarians as admins. The android application will be used by borrowers in searching and borrowing books online, using students' personal smartphones, while the website application will be used by librarians to record books in the school library. The process of searching for books can be done on the android application, while the process of borrowing books can be done if the borrower is already a member of the library. In order to become a member of the library, borrowers must enter their personal data on the register page. The process of borrowing books can be done if the book you are looking for is available in the school library. In the android application students can borrow books, then they can take books to the school library section and the admin will confirm the status of borrowing books. The process of fines for borrowers of books can be carried out if the borrower exceeds the borrowing time limit set by the school library administrator and the process of paying the fine is carried out by visiting the school library directly, as well as returning the books being borrowed. The admin will confirm on the website server application the total fines and the fine payment process can be carried out. Likewise with the process of confirming borrowing, returning and renewing books which can only be done by the library admin.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Design, Search, Loan, Android, Libraries</em></p> Florensius Balbo Genrawan Hoendarto Sandi Tendean Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 11 1 13 = 23 13 = 23 SISTEM INFORMASI PENGELOLAAN SURAT MASUK DAN SURAT KELUAR PADA DESA MALAPI KECAMATAN PUTUSIBAU SELATAN <p><em>Today's technology is at the core of every existing industry. Govermant’s office Malapi Putusibau is an industry engaged in Govermenet organisatio. In carrying out the filing of incoming and outgoing mail is still done manually and not computerized. In this paper, the author uses several research methods consisting of several components, namely research design using descriptive research design methods, data collection methods using interviews, observation and literature study, systems analysis techniques and system design techniques using Unified Modeling Language (UML). and application design techniques using the programming language HTML, CSS, javascript, and PHP. Application development using the XAMPP web server and MySQL as database storage. Based on the research conducted, a system of administrative transaction information for incoming and outgoing mail at Govermant’s office Malapi Putusibau was generated. Office is expected to assist in fast, precise and ackantorrate data processing. The conclusion is that the use of computer-based systems can improve service to kantorstomers through increasing company performance. The suggestions that can be given are the need for ackantorracy in entering data, the need for training system users and maintaining hardware and software that support the performance of the proposed system and the need for system evaluation if implemented.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>:</strong><em> Design, </em><em>Incoming mail</em><em>,</em><em> Outgoing mail</em></p> Agustinus Sigan Genrawan Hoendarto Thommy Willay Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 11 1 24 33 PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM PENJUALAN DAN PERSEDIAAN BARANG BERBASIS DESKTOP PADA USAHA DAGANG AFEN <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Usaha Dagang Afen is a is a business that sells various accessories such as: wallets, bags, jewelry boxes and so on. This business has not yet implemented a computerized based information system and has not used a database as a storage. Usaha Dagang Afen still uses a conventional system where there is no record of incoming, outgoing, and quantity of goods, so there is often a shortage or shortage of unknown goods which hinders selling, and inaccurate accounts receivable. The method of data collection carried out by the author is by interview, observation and literature study. The analysis technique used is an object-oriented analysis technique with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the modeling language and StarUML Ver as the modeling application. The system design application used is Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as the programming language, MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver, XAMPP Control Panel ver 3.3.0, MySQL ver 8.0 as the system design and database processing application. Based on the results of the research conducted, the authors produced a desktop based selling and inventory application that helps minimize the occurrence of incomplete invoices and uncontrolled inventory.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong> — Analysis, Design, Information System, Selling, Inventory</p> Bunga Nanda Kristina Kristina Antonius Antonius Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 11 1 34 44 PERANCANGAN SITUS PENJUALAN ONLINE PADA TOKO 88 JUNGKAT <p>The conventional sales system at Toko 88 Jungkat has resulted in various issues like slow service, the unavailability of a reporting system, and inaccuracies in sales and inventory data recording. The research method used is the descriptive research method. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and literature studies. The applied system analysis and design technique is object-oriented, utilizing Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams as the modeling tool. The system design applications use HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code, XAMPP, StarUML, MariaDB, and Bootstrap. The proposed online sales system allows customers to access product information instantly, place orders and make payments without queuing, track shipped orders, download order invoices, and request returns. In addition, the admin can manage all transactions, while the admin and the owner can do sales reports, inventory records, and print returns. Computerized sales systems offer more accurate, systematic, and error-minimized results due to the automation provided by the system. It is necessary to have training for website admin positions and further analysis of&nbsp;a larger target market by a selling goods system in large quantities.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Designing, system, information, sales, web</p> Darmadi Andrew Fernando Riyadi Jimmy Iskandar Thommy Willay Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 11 1 45 55 WEBSITE ADMINISTRASI SIDANG SKRIPSI PADA FAKULTAS TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS WIDYA DHARMA PONTIANAK <p><em>The utilization of technology, especially computers, can be applied in various areas of life, including education, specifically in the administration of thesis defense at a university. The thesis defense administration at the Faculty of Information Technology, Widya Dharma University in Pontianak, still relies on a manual system. In this research, the author designs a website that assists the secretariat, students, program coordinators, and professors in conducting online thesis defense administration. During the preparation for the thesis defense, there are several administrative challenges that are often encountered, such as grade input, collection of administrative documents, and scheduling of thesis defense sessions. Therefore, the aim of this application design is to facilitate the thesis defense administration process. The application will be designed with features such as grade input, upload of administrative documents, scheduling of defense sessions, addition of user data, addition of student information related to the thesis, confirmation of grades and submitted documents by students, and viewing of thesis defense schedules. The results of this research are expected to provide a positive contribution to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the thesis defense administration at the Faculty of Information Technology, Widya Dharma University in Pontianak.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Web, thesis, administration.</em></p> Fabianus Caturyadi Riyadi J. Iskandar Thommy Willay Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 11 1 56 65 PENERAPAN FITUR AUTOCOMPLETE DAN ALGORITMA TURBO BOYER MOORE PADA APLIKASI KAMUS KIMIA <p>This research implements the autocomplete feature and the Turbo Boyer Moore algorithm on an Android-based chemical term dictionary application. The autocomplete feature allows users to quickly search for chemical terms by entering only the first few letters, while the Turbo Boyer Moore algorithm is used for efficient string matching. This research uses data collection techniques, object-oriented system analysis, and application design techniques using Android Studio and SQLite. The result is an Android-based chemical term dictionary application that speeds up the search process and display relevant word suggestions. The conclusion that researchers can give from the results of applying the autocomplete feature and the Turbo Boyer Moore algorithm in this chemical term dictionary application is that it can search quickly and accurately, and minimizes time in typing patterns. The author gives advice to readers to be able to add other features such as the autocorrect features, voice recognition and can combine it with other algorithms.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Turbo Boyer Moore Algorithm, Autocomplete, Dictionary, Chemical Term Dictionary</p> Firda Novina Tony Darmanto Antonius Antonius Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 11 1 66 77 SIMULASI PENGENALAN WAJAH DENGAN METODE LOCAL BINARY PATTERN HISTOGRAM (LBPH) <p><em>The principle of facial recognition is that the facial object captured by the camera will be processed and compared with all the images of the face in the existing data set, so that the identity of the face is known. One of the applications of facial recognition is to conduct attendance with individual faces. In this study, a system was created that can detect and recognize a person's face which is using the Local Binary Pattern Histogtram (LBPH) method. The programming languages used are Python, openCV and Numpy modules. The Javascript programming language is used for the user interface, so the user scans the face through a browser with a MySQL database to store the identity data and name of the owner of the face.</em> <em>The results of the study using the LBPH face method were successfully identified and the data was saved to the database used for attendance data. The amount of training imagery data and the distance of the object to the camera as well as the quality of the camera resolution affect the results of facial recognition so several tests were carried out. Too far away about 120 cm and above the camera, the face cannot be recognized well because the system finds it difficult to capture the pixel area of facial features. The large number of training images for each test image is also quite influential, the more training images for each test image, the better the percentage of recognition success and vice versa. Furthermore, testing with different camera resolution qualities, the higher the resolution of the camera used, the accuracy of detection and recognition becomes accurate and faster.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords –</em></strong><em>OpenCV, Numpy, Facial Recognition, LBPH Method</em></p> Romanus Pradista Tony Darmanto Alfred Yulius Arthadi Putra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 11 1 78 88 RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI MATEMATIKA UNTUK SISWA SD KELAS 4 MENGGUNAKAN BAHASA PEMROGRAMAN JAVA BERBASIS ANDROID <p><em>The world of education must adapt to computer technology developments to provide more optimal results. The ability to adapt to the world of education in computer technology can be achieved by implementing computerization in the learning system. The implementation is by building a learning application that contains unique material for each level of education. The research method used is the descriptive research method. The data collection techniques used were literature study, observation, and interviews. The data used is mathematics lesson data for grade 4 elementary school (SD) students. The research problem raised is how to design an Android-based mathematics application that is practical and easy to use. The solution that will be implemented in this research is to develop a mathematics application aimed at grade 4 elementary school students. Mathematics applications are created interactively to make learning mathematics easier and more comfortable. This application contains material regarding 4th-grade elementary school mathematics, exercises, and quizzes to determine how much children understand while studying. This application is also equipped with practice questions so that children can do the exercises given after studying the material provided in this application. This article aims to show a report on the results of creating a mathematics application called "MathIsFun." This mathematics application was developed in Android Studio with Firebase as user data collection. The Firebase used is Firebase Authentication and Firebase Realtime Database. Firebase Authentication makes it easy for users to log in to applications. Firebase Realtime Database synchronizes data in realtime for each connected user. Android Studio is an application used to develop Android applications.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Learning Application, Mathematics, Android Studio, Elementary School&nbsp;</p> Kristina Kristina Lilyana Widjana Vera Apriani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 11 1 89 98