Etika Pembangunan Ekonomi terhadap Kaum Miskin


  • Helena Anggraeni (Reni) Tjondro Sugianto Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Shanti Bhuana


Poverty and underdevelopment will be easily found everywhere. In reality, the development of many regions actually is not left behind but left behind on purpose. Ironically, the conditions left behind occur through a process that seems to never be left. This happens with the provision of economic assistance and various development policies that replicate patterns of other places without seeing the real situation in the field. Giving help without seeing who receives the assistance so that the impression arises that the regions are not left behind when they are actually left behind. That is why Development Ethics in the economic field for those who are poor becomes important, so that no region else is left in this country. The goal of this writing is to describe economic development in the past, especially in the field of underdeveloped area which is influenced by external policies.


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