Teaching Management: Teaching of Passive Voice Through Short Reading Passage Towards Students of Economic College


  • Windy Windy Akademi Bahasa Asing Widya Dharma, Pontianak


Reading has become something essential in our life to know what happens around the world. Meanwhile, grammar is contained in reading. Passive voice as a part of grammar students need to learn especially in academic writing, has become a problem for them. Therefore, the use of a short reading passage will help the students to get more understanding a passive voice. The research is conducted towards students of an economic college in a pre-experimental study. The average of the pre-test score is 5.55 and the average of the post-test score is 6.66. The students’ average score of pre-test and post-test is 1.11 which means there is an improvement of the score after the treatment. The treatment is 0.73 which means moderate. Thus, the use of short reading passage can be applied in teaching grammar, such as passive voice toward college students.


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