Columnar Transposition Cipher is one of cryptography technic or message security with simetris key. Message security through this technic do with put each the alphabet to column of the table in horizontal, then column of the table encrypted by the key word have decided before. After that write again each alphabet of the table in vertical for result ciphertext. Columnar Transposition Cipher technic can used for e-mail security contain text. Use this technic will help e-mail user to keep secrecy e-mail contain have saved in mail server, so that hackers can’t know e-mail contain have saved in mail server except by people have a right to deseve the e-mail or have the decryption key. E-mail cryptography aplication design do with learn various literature have related with the Columnar Transposition Cipher material. The data collection technic used is study of literature that includes book, scientific journals, essay, and e-book have avaible from any resource. Systems analysis technique used is object-oriented technique and the modeling tool is Unified Modeling Language (UML). The programming language have use to design e-mail cryptography aplication is Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 programming language. The concusion have get trough this research is the Columnar Transposition Cipher technic can used to improve the security for e-mail delivery and to keep e-mail contain security have submit so that user privacy while using e-mail will not disturbed.
Key Words: cryptography, encrytion, decryption, e-mail, columnar transposition cipher